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Women's training.

1. Women need less carbs. With the same intensity of women burned more fat and less carbohydrate / protein than males. The difference in the nervous, the hormonal and the system (including estrogen levels). And women have a higher percentage of body fat, including - intramuscular, so that the body uses the energy that is available. Fewer calories should be derived from carbohydrates and more of fat, which is better for the heart and for the best good hormones. Estrogen also anabolic. A low fat diet even reduce breast (not in the sense of a general weight loss, but because of the fall of the sex hormones). Women are less likely to suffer from the low-carb, high-fat diet. Metabolism is better than men's, and a healthier body fat distribution.

The link between fat intake and breast cancer was found in a weak study where women were overweight, little exercise and eat Djankov. If you maintain a healthy weight, do not smoke, do not plump, exercise and eat healthy, you have nothing to fear.

When women eat more fat they burn more calories during training, more than shake lying and more slender. In short, high-carbohydrate diets, which has almost no fat, harm to many women.

2. Women need more reps

Women have more muscle fiber type I, while strength training type II is converted to I. Therefore with the same force women get tired less than men.

If you want to pump, do more repetitions.

3. Women osilivayut larger volume

Assist fiber type I, but it's not the only benefit - more estrogen. He antikatabolichen, repairs and prevents the breakdown of muscle proteins. Therefore, women can exercise more and do not overtrain.

Women get more effect on three approaches (as compared to one) than men.

It's a bit different topic, but also an increase in the amplitude of the exercises give more power to women, but not men.

4. Women are better not to get involved in explosive exercises

Although women are hardier men above the rate of force. The differences in the nervous system and in the area of ​​the brain responsible for the movement. Therefore, the results in weightlifting and power triathlon higher in men, but with serious training women are catching up. And they are better in eccentric and isometric exercises.

Strength training is needed, just explosive load it is necessary to dispense.

5. For women, low-intensity cardio is better than HIIT

(pair (tens, hundreds, thousands) bazovits now everything curse - translator's note)

Since the load of high intensity should be reduced for women, effective cardio quiet.

6. Women are better to raise more slowly

Women can do more repetitions, if the bar is raised slowly under control. Fast exercises with the time limit is counterproductive.

7. Women are more resistant to metabolic stress

For the same power of women suffer metabolic stress better than men. They lower blood pressure during exercise, so that more blood and oxygen supplied to the muscles. Less lactate less burning, which allows you to do more. This advantage disappears when the restriction of blood flow, so do not get carried away pinched.

8. Women do not need a lot of rest intervals

With the same amount of training women recover faster between sets.

9. Women can train more often

And between workouts. Nutrients are best delivered to the muscles, so the muscles break down less and recover faster.


Most women intuitively understand that they need to train differently, but society is constantly pushing, forcing to do the same as men. Listen to your body, it will have evolved. Do what you do better work. Use your advantage.

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